Put your business
on the map
We will help you get found by your customers by adding your business to Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze and more.
Put your business
on the map
More than 155 million people are using navigation from their smartphone and cars to find businesses' locations, products, services, and general information. We will help you get found by your customers by listing your business on Google Maps, Waze and more.
Trusted by 10,000+ Businesses, Large and Small. As seen on:
Trusted by 10,000+ Businesses, Large and Small. As seen on:
Why map listings matter to your business
Why map listings matter
to your business
More than ever customers are using maps and navigation apps to find information about local businesses. It is expected that 67.6% of smartphone users will use maps and navigation apps by 2021. Besides saving time in traffic, users can check reviews, store hours, restaurant menus, and booking options using apps such as Google Maps.
Why map listings matter
to your business
Why map listings matter to your business
More than 155 million people are using navigation from their smartphone and cars to find businesses' locations, products, services, and general information.
Give your business a new direction
with iMapping
Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, Bing, and CarPlay are the most popular navigation platforms used not only to outsmart traffic but also to look for businesses nearby and learn more about them. Make sure your business gets listed and updated to increase your visibility and reach clients on the go.
Give your business a new direction with iMapping
Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Bing, Here, and CarPlay are the most popular navigation platforms used to look for businesses nearby.
Customers can check reviews, store hours, restaurant menus, and booking options using apps such as Google Maps. Make sure your business gets listed to increase your visibility and reach clients on the go.
Introducing Our iMapping Plans
By signing up to one of our iMapping plans, your business information will be added to navigation platforms. We collect and sync your business information to the map listings and navigation platforms: Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Bing, Here, and CarPlay.
All Platforms + CarPlay
Robust plan that lists your business on all navigation platforms: Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, Bing plus be in 500+ car models that support CarPlay.
Activation Fee $49.99
No activation fee
No contract, no commitment
Includes all five navigation platforms + CarPlay
Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, & Bing + CarPlay (over 500 car models)
*Billing Quarterly
All Platforms + CarPlay
Robust plan that lists your business on all navigation platforms: Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, Bing plus be in 500+ car models that support CarPlay.
Activation Fee $49.99
No activation fee
No contract, no commitment
Includes all five navigation platforms + CarPlay
Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, & Bing + CarPlay (over 500 car models)
*Billing Annually
Being Listed on Maps is Essential to Businesses
Being Listed on Maps is Essential to Businesses
of people who search for something nearby on their smartphone visit a related business within a day, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase.
Source: Think with Google
of smartphone users will use maps and navigation apps by 2021.
Source: eMarketer 2019
240 Million
More than 240 million cars will be equipped with CarPlay by 2023 helping customers drive to their desired locations including businesses
Source: The Manifest
Get discovered by
clients with CarPlay
CarPlay is a smarter, safer way for customers to use their smartphones while driving to find your business location with ease. It is found in more than 500 models, from a Toyota all the way to a Porsche. Local businesses have a huge opportunity to reach new customers daily with the search engine features built into the major navigation applications that millions of people use. Do not lose out on the opportunity to gain new traffic.
Get discovered by
clients with CarPlay
CarPlay is a smarter way for customers to use their smartphones while driving to find your business location with ease. It is found in more than 500 car models.
Local businesses have a huge opportunity to reach new customers with the search engine features built into the major navigation applications that millions of people use. Do not lose out on the opportunity to gain new traffic.
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Thank you! Please provide the following confirmation number to the agent on the phone: