Add Your Business to Google Maps

154.4 million people use Google Maps every month to find local businesses. By adding your business to Google Maps as well as other major map and voice search platforms, you will have the opportunity to attract new clients and gain more traffic.

Add Your Business To Google Maps

154.4 million people use Google Maps every month to find local businesses.  By adding your business to Google Maps as well as other major map and voice search platforms, you will have the opportunity to attract new clients and gain more traffic.

add your business to Google Maps

What Our Customers Say

What Our

Customers Say


“Thanks to iMapping, my business was placed on the top map searches, like Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze which instantly increased our visibility.”

Bernard B., Business Owner


“Thanks to iMapping, my business was placed on the top map searches, like Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze which instantly increased our visibility."

Bernard B., Business Owner

Google Maps Business Listing

Listing your business on Google Maps ensures customers can find your business when they do a simple search on Google Maps.  

Clients will not only get directions to your business, but they can also check out your business's reviews, ratings, images, store hours, restaurant menus, and booking options. 

Google Maps Business Listing

Listing your business on Google Maps ensures customers can find your business when they do a simple search on Google Maps.  

Clients will not only get directions to your business, but they can also check out your business's reviews, ratings, images, store hours, restaurant menus, and booking options. 

google maps business listing

Why Add Your Business To Google Maps

Why Map Listings Matter To Your Business

Increase your business visibility

on local search

Attract new clients who are

looking for a new place to go

Make it easy for customers

to find your business

Why Map Listings Matter To Your Business

Why Add Your Business To Google Maps

Increase your business visibility

on local search

Attract new clients who are

looking for a new place to go

Make it easy for customers

to find your business

List your business on Google Maps and other major

map and voice search platforms!

Google Maps and other major map and voice search platforms

List your business on Google Maps and other major map and voice search platforms

add business to Google Maps and other major map and voice search platforms

How To Add Your Business To Google Maps

By signing up to one of our iMapping plans, your business information will be put on Google Maps and other major map and voice search platforms. We collect and sync your business information to the following maps (Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, & Bing + Car Play) and voice search platforms (Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Bixby).

All Platforms + CarPlay


Robust plan that lists your business on all map and voice search platforms.

Original Price: $299.98


  • No activation fee: $29.99

  • No contract, no commitment

  • Includes all five map platforms + CarPlay: Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, & Bing + CarPlay (over 500 car models) 

  • Includes all five voice search platforms: Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Bixby

  • *Billing Semiannually

All Platforms + CarPlay


Robust plan that lists your business on all map and voice search platforms.

Original Price: $499.98

$299.99Per Year*

  • No activation fee: $29.99

  • No contract, no commitment

  • Includes all five map platforms + CarPlay: Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Here, & Bing + CarPlay (over 500 car models) 

  • Includes all five voice search platforms: Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Bixby

  • *Billed Annually

Introducing Our

iMapping Plans

What happens when you sign up to iMapping

How to add your business to Google Maps

What happens when you

sign up to iMapping

how to add your business to google maps