Get Listed On Bing Maps

Get listed on Bing Maps


Businesses with a storefront or multiple physical locations and offline services can benefit from being listed on Bing Maps the most.

Bing Maps is used by more than 3,000 businesses, the majority of which are in the real estate sector followed by hospitals and healthcare centers. 

Getting your company to appear on Bing Maps, will help more consumers find your business. 


Why Your Business Needs to Get Listed on Bing Maps

Although Google Maps is the top navigation app, only being listed on Google might not be enough to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

list business on bing mapsBeing included in Bing Maps can help you reach more potential customers. With Bing being the default search engine of all Windows devices, this makes Bing Maps the easiest way for your business to become more visible to the owners of desktop PCs, laptops, and tablets running on Microsoft's operating system.  

 In the US, about 33.33% of searches are done through Bing. Registering with Bing can allow you to be searchable in Yahoo, given Bing's partnership with the company. 


Let iMapping Add Your Business To Bing Maps 

Contact iMapping today to get listed on Bing Maps and other major maps and see how you can diversify your customer base through its array of features. To learn more visit


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